Saturday, October 31, 2009

Haloweeeeeeeeen aka slutty dead nurse

I feel so lazy! It's my first american Halloween and I just cannot be bothered to do anything! Back in England Halloween is a bit of a non event... I mean it's there but nobody really takes it seriously like they do here. Me and my boy are staying in this huge house in Hollywood that I swear is haunted so we're just gonna watch scary movies in the screening room (which is in the HAUNTED basement!). We did take a drive around the local area to look at all the kids in their costumes. So cute! I saw the smallest little spiderman ever and actually melted.

We've been invited to a few costume parties but the idea of dressing up leaves me cold. Why do all the girls dress like 'slutty' versions of everything? Paris Hilton is the worst offender for this.

Slutty Alice in Wonderland???? Really!? At least she did zombie eyes so it's almost halloween-ish.

I think my least favourite of all the 'Slutty' costumes has to be slutty dead nurse. No imagination. I still stand by my Grace Jones idea. And no, wearing a leotard ala Grace who is an ICON does not fall under the 'slutty' umbrella. I think using lingerie in the costume is what puts it firmly in the 'slutty' category.

This is my first post since being in LA! It felt good to leave New York. It was the right thing to do. I spent one of my last days with Mischa and Sara just walking around central park eating. We ate: cheese & crackers, cup cakes, crepes, hot dogs x2 each and ice cream. I have never been so glutinous in my life!

It was a really nice New York day.


Love Sara's new short hair :)

The weather in LA makes me extremely happy and so does house hunting with my boy. We plan to head back to London for Christmas and then spend the first part of 2010 back in LA so we've been looking for our own place. We always stay in our friend's amazing place in Hollywood because he's never there but we thought it might be nice to have a cute little place of our own (that doesn't feel haunted). My boy is particularly enamored with the Venice Canals.


It's very picturesque down there and it looks nothing like the rest of LA. My only concern is the long drive to meetings. Traffic on that freeway makes me sick! For those of you reading this in London: look at that lovely clear blue sky! Not a rain cloud in sight! Jealous? ;)

Me and my boy have mostly been very low key whilst we've been here. Lots of reading scripts and going to meetings. However we did have one night on the town (a girl needs to dress up and dance once in a while) and we bumped into Sara and Nico. Yay!
Um.... check out my lashes. I nearly glued my eyes shut putting them on but totally worth it.

I'll leave you with this.


Two very beautiful things: Iddo and Nutella. If anyone finds a bigger jar of Nutella then this please take a picture for me. I'm obsessed with the stuff!

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